MySql connection

Trying to connect to mysql database on port 3306 using go-sql-driver/mysql error message states [mysql] connection.go:49 unexpected EOF. Any ideas why would this appear?

Hi, can you publish your connection code,please?
Check this Unexpected EOF in Golang Mysql Connection pool

My port 3306 is open, I can also ping the database, and log in to it using the workbench.

func openDB() (*sql.DB, error) {
dsn := “user:password@tcp(”
db, err := sql.Open(“mysql”, dsn)
if err != nil {

err = db.Ping()
if err != nil {
return db, nil


func (app *application) connectToDB() (*sql.DB, error) {

connection, err := openDB()
if err != nil {
log.Println("Connected to MySQL")

return connection, nil

type SqlDBRepo struct {

DB *sql.DB //pool holding database connections


const dbTimeout = time.Second * 3

func (m *SqlDBRepo) Connection() *sql.DB {

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According the link i sent you, setting db.SetMaxIdleConns(0) would be fix the poblem…

maybe db.SetConnMaxLifetime(0) is wrong,delete this