Bring your A game, here’s my contribution
alias gi='goimports -w .'
Bring your A game, here’s my contribution
alias gi='goimports -w .'
Not exactly an alias, but the shell command in my profile that does the most for me:
export CDPATH=.:$HOME:$GOROOT/src:$GOPATH/src/$GOPATH/src/$GOPATH/src/
@robpike That one brings me joy every day.
I recently had to unset this one, but for the longest time
alias gb='go install -v'
alias fr=‘find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0’
alias gtvc="go test -v -cover"
alias todo="godoc -notes="TODO" ."
cover() {
go test $COVERFLAGS -coverprofile=$t $@ && go tool cover -func=$t && unlink $t
cover-web() {
go test $COVERFLAGS -coverprofile=$t $@ && go tool cover -html=$t && unlink $t
I don’t have very many aliases, just for things I can’t seem to remember or is difficult to look up. For example (sort-of related to go), not an alias but i do keep it in my ~/.bash_aliases anyway
docker() {
if [ "$1" != "shell" ]; then
command docker "$@"
if [ -n "$2" ]; then
command docker exec -it "$2" bash
echo 'docker: "shell" requires 1 argument.'
echo "Usage: docker shell CONTAINER"
echo "Open bash shell in container"
I like this one (only for zsh):
alias -s go="go run"
Now if you type hello.go
and hit enter, it will execute go run hello.go
also worth mentioning to install bash-completion
to provide TAB
completion on CDPATH
after working through a day, i just noticed why i don’t use very many aliases, this in my .inputrc
"\ep": history-search-backward
"\en": history-search-forward
I’ll type a few letters and then Alt-p
or Alt-n
to find what i want, making any specific changes if necessary. A bit dumb, but flexible.
Rather exotic use-case - if you have an executable and forgot where it was built from, import-path
tells you its import path:
import-path() {
[[ -z "$1" ]] && { echo "usage: import-path EXECUTABLE" >&2; return 1; }
go tool objdump -s main.main "$(which $1)" |
grep -E '^TEXT main.main' | cut -d' ' -f3 |
sed -e 's/.*\/src\/\(.*\)\/[^\/]*/\1/'
$ import-path godoc
Not an alias, but a bash completion program for the “go” command. It’s especially useful with “go doc” since it will tab complete packages, symbols, and methods for you.
complete -C gotab -o nospace go
It requires the gotab
binary to produce completion suggestions.
Also not an alias but still useful for me sometimes.
It will give you all dependencies of a package that are not in the standard library using go list
. Unfortunately I can’t copy paste here using my mobile but I have put ît on github anyway:
Alias and shell script for setting GOPATH and appending $GOPATH\bin to $PATH:
alias goenv="source /home/dgnorton/bin/"
# Source this script from within any directory within a valid potential
# GOPATH and it will set it. It looks for the first parent directory
# named "go" or "Go" and sets GOPATH to it.
while :
d=$(basename $(dirname $c))
if [ "$d" == "/" ]; then
echo not a valid GOPATH
elif [ "$d" == "go" ] || [ "$d" == "Go" ]; then
export GOPATH=$(dirname $c)
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
echo GOPATH set to $GOPATH
echo Appended $GOPATH/bin to PATH
c=$(dirname $c)
depgraph() {
pkg=$(go list $@)
( echo "digraph G {"
go list -f '{{range .Imports}}{{printf "\t%q -> %q;\n" $.ImportPath .}}{{end}}' \
$(go list -f '{{join .Deps " "}}' $pkg) $pkg
echo "}"
) | dot -Tsvg -o /tmp/deps.svg
Adapted from @adg’s GolangUK talk,
Do you know of an equivalent trick for p9p rc ? (specifically for rc in an acme win, if that matters).
Change your shell prompt to % and alias it to the empty string.
$ PS1='% '
% alias %=
Then on X11 you can triple-click to copy a complete shell command, including the prompt, and paste it using a middle click to execute it again. The extra % is ignored.
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