Write image to stdout

I need to write an image to stdout so it can be used in a Unix pipeline, e.g:

$ mycmd foo.jpg | cmd2 | cmd3

The image type is *image.NRGBA and I can use the Encode function to write it to file ok, e.g:

err := jpeg.Encode(fd, img, nil)

and it works fine but if I write to stdout, e.g:

err := jpeg.Encode(os.Stdout, img, nil)

The resulting file is only recognized as data and not jpeg, e.g:

$ mycmd foo.jpg | file -

/dev/stdin: data

Any help understanding this issue so I can fix it would be greatly appreciated.



Set the appropriate HTTP Content-Type header before writing the image data.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Assume you have the image stored in the `img` variable of type *image.NRGBA

	// Set the Content-Type header to "image/jpeg"
	os.Stdout.Write([]byte("Content-Type: image/jpeg\n\n"))

	// Encode the image and write it to stdout
	err := jpeg.Encode(os.Stdout, img, nil)
	if err != nil {
		// Handle the error

Setting the “Content-Type” header to “image/jpeg” before writing the image data, you indicate to the receiving end of the pipeline that the data being transmitted is in JPEG format.
With this approach, when you run your command like:

$ mycmd foo.jpg | cmd2 | cmd3

The output of mycmd will be recognized as a JPEG image by subsequent commands (cmd2 and cmd3 ) in the pipeline.

All the best.

Hi @nehakakar,

Thank you for your reply. I tried your suggestion but I’m still getting unexpected results I will describe next.

When I add the content-type header and encode to stdout (redirecting to a file), i.e:

$ cat ./images/at-the-bar.jpeg |./site > redirect.jpg

I get the following first two lines of output:

$ od -c redirect.jpg | less

0000000   \n   C   o   n   t   e   n   t   -   T   y   p   e   :       i
0000020    m   a   g   e   /   j   p   e   g  \n  \n 377 330 377 333  \0

and if I leave off the content-type header I get:

0000000   \n 377 330 377 333  \0 204  \0  \b 006 006  \a 006 005  \b  \a

and if I just encode to file on disk I get:

0000000  377 330 377 333  \0 204  \0  \b 006 006  \a 006 005  \b  \a  \a

So I’m rather confused, about the consistency I can see is that encoding to stdout seems to always add a “\n” to the beginning of the output.

If this makes any sense or you can shed any light on the problem I would appreciate it. I’m also a little confused about using the content-type header outside of a web development environment.

Thanks again,


I apologize for the confusion caused by my previous response. The issue you’re experiencing seems to be related to the inclusion of the content-type header in the output.

When you write the content-type header and encode the image to stdout, the resulting output will include the header itself (“\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\n”) as part of the image data. This is likely what’s causing the unexpected results when examining the output with the “od” command
If you’re not working in a web development environment where the content-type header is necessary,
you can omit it. By excluding the content-type header, the resulting output will only contain the binary image data.
Here’s an updated example without the content-type header.

package main

import (

func main() {
	img := getImage() // Replace this with your image retrieval logic

	writer := bufio.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
	defer writer.Flush()

	// Encode the image to stdout
	err := jpeg.Encode(writer, img, nil)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error encoding image:", err)

When running the updated code and redirecting the output to a file, it should contain only the binary image data without any additional headers.

I apologize for the confusion caused by the previous suggestion.

Hi @nehakakar,

Your solution worked perfectly, thank you so much! I did not realize I had to create a new bufio writer from os.Stdout. I guess I thought os.Stdout was already a bufio writer. Anyway thanks again, I really appreciate your help.


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