Work with all values in chan

I’m new with Go and don’t understand how work with all unique values in chan at the same time
For example i have unbuffered chan with some objects struct
if i do something like this

func createMessage(d chan SomeStruct) chan MessageStruct{
message:= make(chan MessageStruct)

go func() {
	for v := range d {
			var newM = MessageStruct{}
            newM.ID = v.ID
			message <- newM
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

	close(message )

return message

Every 1 second goroutine work only with one object in chan
How current work every 1/2/3/4 second with all objects in chan and write every result in other chan?

Fire goroutines inside the loop.

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And all routines in loop - merge or just write in one global chan?
How check thet the next routine dosen’t work wih previous value?
Need use waitGroup?


go func() {
for v := range d {
go func() {
var newM = MessageStruct{}
newM.ID = v.ID
message <- newM
} ()
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
close(message )
return message

and nothing changes((

Yeah, you need a wait group or something. The main issue issue is that you are firing a go routine to handle each of the inputs from the d channel, then you are immediately closing the channel before the go routines have had a chance to finish.

So add each go routine to a wait group and then wait before closing and returning.

Also, do you really intend to return a closed channel at the end?

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Tell me please how current wait something like this?
func(chan T) chan Done {
c := make(chan Done)
var index int

	go func(){
		for v := range T {
			go func() {
				go func() { 
					index = createNewIndex  //for new ob create new index
				createNewObj.index = index //set new index new obj = //set new value from chan T
				c <- createNewObj //write new obj in result chan

close(chan) - because after that function no works with him

in simple example all works current

package main

import (

type Phone struct {
	ID int

type Message struct {
	ID int
	PhoneID int
	Message string

func createChanPhones() chan Phone {
	cp := make(chan Phone)
	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
			var nP= Phone{}
			nP.ID = i
			cp <- nP

	return cp

func main() {

	phones := make(chan Phone)
	phones = createChanPhones()
	//for v := range phones {
	//	log.Println(v)

	message := make(chan Message)
	message = createM(phones)
	//time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)

	for v := range message {

func createM(cp chan Phone) chan Message {
	m := make(chan Message)

	go func() {
		for v := range cp {
			go func() {
				var newM= Message{}
				newM.ID = rand.Intn(1000)
				newM.PhoneID = v.ID
				newM.Message = "some m"
				m <- newM
	return m

Even your simple example has problems. You might want to study this a bit:

For example:

  • Your channels are not buffered. Thus they will only contain one value until something else reads it to make room for next value
  • The createM() function only fires off a go routine (essentially). Thus the outer one isn’t needed. Just inline the code for v:= range cp...
  • The channels are being closed which makes them unusable to be read from
  • It is unusual to return a channel; typically they are arguments since they are read/write queues. You don’t fill them up and return them for further processing. If that is what you want to do use a slice or a map

At any rate, study the examples on the Go Tour and you’ll see how channels are used.

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I had a little time this morning… so I tweaked your example. Hope this helps.

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Oops… forgot to close the channels, which cause this error:
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!


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