Why the result is true?

package main

import “fmt”

func canidrink(age int) bool {
if koreanAge := age + 2; koreanAge < 18 {
return false
return true

func main() {

When you pass 16 to canidrink, age is 16 and after sum 2, koreanAge = 18 and this value is not less than 18, it is equal, so the if clause is not executed and goes to the else clause…

Thank you
i fixed Conditional

func canidrink(age int) bool {
if koreanAge := age + 2; koreanAge < 19 {
return false
return true

Or you could do it like this:

func canIDrinkInKorea(age int) bool {
    if koreanAge := age + 2; koreanAge <= 18 {
        return false
    return true

Note the less than or equal sign, <= . It is slightly more readable, since what you want to compare with is 18, and not 19.

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This could be written more compact without magic numbers but type safety.

type age uint

const legalDrinkingAgeInKorea age = 16

func canIDrinkInKorea(theAge age) bool {
	// No magic number here!
	return theAge > legalDrinkingAgeInKorea

Using a type age prevents passing an int that is not an age. This will not compile:

var currentYear = 2020

See https://play.golang.org/p/Q-wFaLUN7ep

There is a reason why people don’t use unsigned integer types to validate the range of an integer domain. It doesn’t work.

package main

import (

type Age uint

const legalDrinkingAgeInKorea Age = 16

func canIDrinkInKorea(theAge Age) bool {
	return theAge > legalDrinkingAgeInKorea

func main() {
	for _, age := range []int{
		-1, 0, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, math.MaxInt32, math.MinInt32,
	} {
		fmt.Println(age, canIDrinkInKorea(Age(age)))
-1 true
0 false
15 false
16 false
17 true
18 true
19 true
2147483647 true
-2147483648 true

This may be an argument against using unit here. But my point is to use a specific type.