Why not develop a offical package manager?

I have know many third party go package manager, it’s terrible if different third party package use different package manager.

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@joy I think you need to address your questions directly to the Go team. I don’t think they follow this forum. I suggest trying the golang-nuts mailing list.

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Yes, thanks.

Why don’t let’s make our own npm like pkg manager for golang libs/aps etc.?
It will be fun if everyone would contribute to the project and maintain it.I’m sure willing to contribute for free and maintain the project if anyone decided to start it.

Keep in mind that npm costs quite a bit of money to run and requires a substantial amount of upkeep! Maintaining a secure, available central package repository is a lot of work.

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Well, probably its not that hard. For example, for a step 0, what we need is a tool that find for certain repo on github and perform a go get on it. Clearing exactly what kind of repos we’re talking in about could be the hard thing. For instance: does the GITHUB API allow us to search its entire catalog for a certain language ? If so, can we also find particular keys into the repo description ? And so on.

Creating a big repo as you’re mentioning guys could be not the right way. Too hard to do, too hard to maintain without people doing it. Making a tool that search on GITHUB in the right way is probably the best thing that we can do because we can focuse only on it without the distraction of maintain a repo, indexing it, keep it updated and so on.

We have godoc.org for search, and the name of a package is its location.

I’ll just leave this here, https://github.com/constabulary/gb/issues/536

Yep, correct @dfc, exactly. But think for a moment for example to what Debian has: this, and APT. You start a shell (or some GUI tool like Synaptic) and start searching for a particular tool/software/library that you need; then, you can install it.

In the Golang world, we have godoc.org to search in a browser and go get for getting it in a shell (these are the official ways). The only thing that is missing in order to became (or better, to start to became) a really cool tool is a go search, so we can:

~ $ go search mysql
< List of results >
~ $ go get github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql

Am I wrong ? :smile:

I couldn’t say if that use case is right or wrong, but certainly looking at Go’s contemporaries, cargo, npm, or pip, search is relegated to a web page, where installation is part of the CLI tool.

I think the service provided by godoc is sufficient for the moment, because what I think Go developers was is not search, but recommendation, especially in a world where your fork for the mysql package and my fork of the mysql package might rate well in search, but are probably evolutionary dead ends.

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