What microservice framework can you recommend?


I am doing my baby steps in the go ecosystem and I wondering what’s a good microservice framework to start with.

I already had a look into

[https://github.com/go-kit/kit](go kit)
[https://github.com/go-swagger/go-swagger](go swagger)

I am not sure, what I prefer and would like to have a second opinion on that to avoid long term debt.

Whats important to me is:
HTTP based
Aspect oriented programming support
Test utilities included
Distributed Tracing integration (Zipkin or similar)
PubSub Support
Middleware support
Api specification (Swagger would be cool, as it comes with a rich ecosystem; documentation, testing, sdk generation…)

Am I looking forward to hear your opinion on that :slight_smile:

check out https://goa.design/

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I just had a quick glimpse and it looks really promising!

Thanks, have a good day :slight_smile:

Another +1 for goa.design. It might not be what you expected, but what I have seen of it is pretty awesome.

I just implemented my first micro service with goa.design and I must admit it’s just awesome… Thanks a lot again!

After I spent some time with goa.design I can’t really recommend it. It comes with a lot of overhead… and I don’t get why it generates so much code that shouldn’t be touched, maybe it’s easier to debug as it’s very concrete but I don’t see any other advantage besides that

Hello everyone,

I am student from Macedonia and my team participate in contest where we develop go to market strategy for microservice architecture. Me and my team are in deficit with information within this subject and we would appreciate if you can answer this survey in order to help us to win the final prize.
The link is bellow:

Also i would like to know more how anyone of you had started using microservices and transited from monolithic architecture to this new one. Where did you first found out about them and what made you to transfer to this new technology?

Thanks :smiley:

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