What is the right approach or Roadmap to learn Go

I have created a roadmap on my blog to learn Golang for beginners. What do you think about this and is there anything you feel that is missed or something which is not required.


Freecodecamp has a roadmap that are divided into “backend” and “fronted” etc. One roadmap that fits all seems to be hard to create and understand IMHO.

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Yeah, agree with @Sibert, everyone has its own way of learning and a one-size-fits-all approach is likely impossible. I think the map is generally OK, but I personally didn’t really follow it even once I found it, and I believe it made some choices I personally wouldn’t make. For example:

  • I find it questionable to see such little standard library packages not mentioned, such as testify, log, sync (for some reason it just has mutex), reflect, flag, or a really important and powerful one, net/http. Like, why would you learn the archived package Gorilla, but not go over net/http? The standard libraries is one of the most powerful features of Go IMO, and I think knowing them is a great skill for any Go developer
  • I would definitely not place testing so down the list, it’s really easy to get started writing unit tests
  • This map has a good amount of popular external libraries; as an extension I would’ve probably also included viper for configuration.

Just some of my thoughts. This map did inspire me to look into some external packages I didn’t know about yet though, such as the ones for real time communication.

I’ve seen this “roadmap” before on developer-roadmap on GitHub, which contains multiple of these “roadmaps” (except that they’re interactive there). Though, as I said, I never really followed it – personally to any beginner I would recommend “a tour of Go” and all tutorials from Golang Cafe’s youtube channel. Once you know the basics, Nic Jackson has a great tutorial which also covers microservices, but in the first videos he goes over the fundamentals. I’m subscribed to Mario Carrion and Golang Dojo for regular Go content, and once you’re comfortable I would definitely recommend to start getting into the language specification, documentation and articles from the official Go blog.

Learning Go can be a rewarding experience, and there are several approaches you can take to become proficient in the language. Here is a roadmap to get started with learning Go::

Learn the basics
Practice writing code
Explore Go package and libraries
Learn best practice
Build larger projects

Your roadmap looks like great starting point for beginners and by continually expanding and updating it you can provide a valuable resource for those interested in learning golang.


It’s great that you’ve created a roadmap for learning Golang on your blog! Creating a structured learning path can be incredibly helpful for beginners. While I can’t review the specific content of your roadmap without access to your blog. May be i cannot understand your problem.

I think your roadmap is a great resource for beginners who want to learn Go.

I think your roadmap covers the basics of the language and includes some projects that you can build to practice what you have learned.

As a beginner, I find it very useful.

Congratulations on creating a roadmap 75 on your blog to learn Golang for beginners! I think it’s a great idea, and I’m sure it will be helpful to many people.
I skimmed through your roadmap, and it looks comprehensive and well-structured. You cover all of the essential topics, such as the basics of the language, data types, functions, control flow, loops, arrays, slices, maps, structs, interfaces, Goroutines, channels, and concurrency. You also include some more advanced topics, such as testing, error handling, and best practices.

See Learn to become a Go developer


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