What is go output

Hi folk,
I am tring to understand below code snippet .
When trace the output , logically output is different than actual go compiler.
Could you please explain why go compiler give different output ?

what will be output of below code & explain why

a := int{0, 1, 2, 3}

x := a[:1] //0

y := a[2:] //2,3

x = append(x, y…) //0,2,3

x = append(x, y…) //0,2,3,2,3

fmt.Println(a, x) //0,1,2,3, 0,2,3,2,3

//actual o/p => 0 2 3 3] [0 2 3 3 3]

Can you be more specific what causes difficulty? Because right now everything looks as it suppose to be.

Changing the elements of a slice modifies the corresponding elements of its underlying array
See for example Slices are like references to arrays

Here, the first append changes a to [0, 2, 3, 3] and therefore y to [3,3]

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Thanks for your reply,

What happen at append(in above example), how it will change the value.

Could you please elaborate given above example.

Have a look at Go Slices: usage and internals:

Here slice x has a pointer to array a at position 0, with length 1.
Appending y to x overwrites the underlying array a from position 1.

And, since y is a slice into a at position 2, it sees the changes as well.

Just print a and y after the append.

Be aware with slices and arrays. If you append something to y which exceeds the capacity of a it allocates new memory and does not change a

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