I used to build some of my little hobby projects for the old Raspberry Pi 32 bit. In those cases, I never used uint64, int64, float64, etc.
Today, I was working on a new project and had the thought cross my mind; if I were to compile this on 32 bit hardware, what would happen under the hood? If I have a uint64 and compile for 32 bit, is it some kind of emulated 64 bit? Do I just lose precision? Is it undefined?
Sounds no way to do this in Go
but if you want, maybe you can use this logic :
using unsafe.Sizeof to determine the architecture at runtime and execute the appropriate code block.
If you need to work with large numbers, consider using libraries that provide alternative implementations for 64-bit math on 32-bit systems (e.g., GMP library). This could a possible way to go!
This emulation has a slight performance impact, for example you usually need 3 32 bits multiply to simulate one 64 bits one. Divisions are hit the worst.