Weekly Wiki Wrapup - 2015-10-23

Editorial note: Posting this a day early because when my flight arrives in Sydney, it will be Sunday.

New packages added this week:

  • Jae Kwon appears to be exploring blockchains these, and came across a few packages that are now on the list go-p2p, Tendermint.
  • And did I mention that Jae is also working on data structures? Including go-merkle, go-wire
  • Need to call into PHP libraries from Go? Perhaps the go-php project will help.

New articles added this week:

  • Roland Illig added a new wiki on enums to help users of other languages that might be expecting them (Java,C++).

Companies now using Go:

  • A major reorganization of Companies Using Go was undertaken by Carlisia, Satish, and Vitor (as well as others). The list is now organized by country. Many new additions.


Miscellaneous Edits:

  • Andrew Wilkins fixed the link for the llgo project, the LLVM-based compiler for Go.
  • The OpenBSD wiki got a refresh to reflect the availability of Go 1.4.2.

Thank you to all of our contributors (changelog order):

  • Roland Illig
  • Satish Talim
  • Debraj Manna
  • Rajeev N Bharshetty
  • Shiju Varghese
  • Jae Kwon
  • Greg Osuri
  • Alex Palaistras
  • Smita Vijayakumar
  • Krishna Sundarram
  • Piyush Verma
  • Karthik Gaekwad
  • Carlisia Campos
  • Vitor De Mario
  • Mauricio Souza Lima
  • Andrew Wilkins
  • Dimitri Sokolyuk
  • alanfo
  • Marcelo Magallon
  • Stratos Neiros

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