I am faculty in Computer Science at California State University, Fresno. I am also faculty at Fresno City College. I am teaching Go at both of these schools, using Go for web programming. I record all of my lectures, put them on YouTube, and organize them into playlists.
I began learning Go in December of 2014 and then started teaching it in January of 2015. Along with our upper-division comp sci students and our graduate comp sci students, I have had a lot of fun figuring this language out and figuring out how to do web programming with it.
When I was first learning Go, I wished there were more resources for myself and our students. I am glad to be able to now contribute to the Go community the resources I have created. It is my hope that these videos and playlists will be helpful to others who are learning Go.
Gophervids gets updated irregularly, mostly dependent on my free time since I want to actually watch the videos and I have to update the JSON file by hand, etc