Using interfaces to select converted struct

I’m new to Go and learning by translating a C++ program I have into Go.

The problem is that I have a graph with many types of nodes. In C++ this involves a base class and other classes built from that, along with coercing pointers to the base class into the correct node type.

My understanding is that I can do this in Go with interfaces and conversions. What I have so far (simplified) is

type Base struct{
  id int
  up int

type Node struct{
  left,right,down int

type Leaf struct{
  val string

//and this is just a huge guess that doesn't work
type NodeIf interface{

type LeafIf interface{

func myfunc( vec []Base, a int){
   if n,ok := vec[a](NodeIf); ok{
      //do something with n as a Node
      //gack! panic

The question is, hopefully, how do I make an interface that says something is a struct of a certain type?


An interface in Go means “the type has methods specified in the interface”. I tried to recreate your example to show how this could be done. Since the structs don’t share any methods already, I defined an interface with a dummy one and implemented it for Base.

package main

import "fmt"

type Base struct {
	id int
	up int

// This will satisfy the `Based` interface defined below for all structs that embed Base.
func (b Base) Dummy() {}

type Node struct {
	left, right, down int

type Leaf struct {
	val string

type Based interface {

func myfunc(vec []Based, a int) error {
	val := vec[a]
	switch val.(type) {
	case Node:
		fmt.Println("Doing something with Node")
		return fmt.Errorf("gack! unexpected type %T", val)
	return nil

func main() {
	vec := []Based{
	err := myfunc(vec, 3)
	fmt.Println("returned error:", err)
	err = myfunc(vec, 1)
	fmt.Println("returned error:", err)

Have fun.

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Thank you. Now I understand a lot more about interfaces. The bit of brilliance is that variables declared with a specific interface can then be used in the val.(type) or val.(some-type-that-meets-the-interface) constructs.

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