Can any one help me with these errors:
server/modules/securityonion/soelastic.go:46:5: unknown field Username in struct literal of type elasticsearch.Config
server/modules/securityonion/soelastic.go:47:5: unknown field Password in struct literal of type elasticsearch.Config
server/modules/securityonion/soelastic.go:58:27: elastic.esConfig.Password undefined (type elasticsearch.Config has no field or method Password)
server/modules/securityonion/soelastic.go:66:34: elastic.esConfig.Username undefined (type elasticsearch.Config has no field or method Username)
Here is the block of code for debugging:
type SoElastic struct {
esConfig elasticsearch.Config
esClient *elasticsearch.Client
timeShiftMs int
func NewSoElastic() *SoElastic {
return &SoElastic{}
func (elastic *SoElastic) Init(host string, user string, pass string, verifyCert bool, timeShiftMs int) error {
hosts := make([]string, 1)
elastic.timeShiftMs = timeShiftMs
hosts[0] = host
elastic.esConfig = elasticsearch.Config {
Addresses: hosts,
Username: user,
Password: pass,
Transport: &http.Transport{
MaxIdleConnsPerHost: 10,
ResponseHeaderTimeout: time.Second,
DialContext: (&net.Dialer{Timeout: time.Second}).DialContext,
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
InsecureSkipVerify: !verifyCert,
maskedPassword := "*****"
if len(elastic.esConfig.Password) == 0 {
maskedPassword = ""
esClient, err := elasticsearch.NewClient(elastic.esConfig)
fields := log.Fields {
"InsecureSkipVerify": !verifyCert,
"Host": hosts[0],
"Username": elastic.esConfig.Username,
"Password": maskedPassword,