Unescaping html in template/html

hi all
i am trying to build twitter clone, getting tweets from db and extracted the hash tags however need to unescape the urls.

thank in advance

for i, v := range gPost {
	h := GetHashTags(v.Post)
	for _, ht := range h {

		gPost[i].Post = strings.Replace(gPost[i].Post, ht, "<a href='/hashtag/"+ht+"'>"+ht+"</a>", -1)


if a == true {
	tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "timeline.htm", &App{Post: gPost, FUser: foll})
} else {
	http.Redirect(w, r, "/login", 302)


I’ve seen this open for a couple of days, here’s one strategy to accomplish what you would like: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/golang-nuts/8L4eDkr5Q84

thanks for the reply CurtGreen,
howeveri want to unescape only the hashtag, user, website urls everything else can be escaped basicly i dont want to whole post to be unescaped

I’m not sure about your question, but what exactly do you wants escape ? only remove the hashtag ?


for i, v := range gPost {
	h := GetHashTags(v.Post)
	for _, ht := range h {

		gPost[i].Post = strings.Replace(gPost[i].Post, ht, ht, -1)

// gets usertags
for i, v := range gPost {
	h := GetUserTags(v.Post)
	for _, ut := range h {
		gPost[i].Post = strings.Replace(gPost[i].Post, ut, ut, -1)



<br> <a href="{{ .Post }}">{{ .Post }}</a>

thanks for reply Lucas
GetHashTags extracts hashtags and string.Replace replaces with the hashtag url

gPost[i].Post = strings.Replace(gPost[i].Post, hh, "<a href='/hashtag/"+hh+"'>"+hh+"</a>", -1)

however i want usertags and hashtags unescaped so in timeline they are urls. this is what i am getting so far


like this?

in this case everything becomes a link

i kind of solved it with this however its open to xss attacks

func noescape(str string) template.HTML {
return template.HTML(str)

var fn = template.FuncMap{
"noescape": noescape,

Cool, about the XSS, read this about escape html, javacript, etc …


thank you

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