Undeclared Name in struct

hi, guys:
I’m new to go and try to write terraform provider.
Here is Microsoft API I’m calling.

I’m currently writing a provider call Pipeline and have code as following:

func expandRunPipeline(d *schema.ResourceData, forCreate bool) (*pipelines.RunPipelineParameters  , string, int, error) {
	Project := d.Get("project_name").(string)
	variables, err := expandVariables(d)
	//Ref_Name := converter.String(d.Get("sourceBranch").(string))
	//token:= converter.String(d.Get("parameter_accessKey").(string))
	PipelineId := d.Get("pipeline_id").(int)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "",0,fmt.Errorf("Error expanding varibles: %+v", err)
	Repository_resource :=map[string]pipelines.RepositoryResourceParameters{
		RefName: d.Get("sourceBranch").(string),
		"Token": converter.String(d.Get("parameter_accessKey").(string)),

	RunResource := pipelines.RunResourcesParameters{
		Repositories: &Repository_resource,


		RunPipeline := pipelines.RunPipelineParameters{
			Resources: &RunResource,

			Variables: variables,

	return &RunPipeline, Project ,PipelineId,nil

RefName: d.Get(“sourceBranch”).(string), is the line got issue and it says RefName is undeclared?

any ideas about this one?

Sorry guys. I make it simpler here.
[https://play.golang.org/p/QRgmRiGyFgk](http://Playground link)

package main

import (

type StructWithMapPointer struct {
	Strings *map[string]RepositoryResourceParameters

type RepositoryResourceParameters struct {
	RefName *string `json:"refName,omitempty"`

func main() {
	m := map[string]RepositoryResourceParameters{
		RefName: test1,
	mPointer := &m

	// Set via pointer
//	(*mPointer)["RefName"] = test1

	// Get via pointer
	fmt.Println("RefName is:", (*mPointer)["RefName"])


package main

import "fmt"

type StructWithMapPointer struct {
	Strings *map[string]RepositoryResourceParameters

type RepositoryResourceParameters struct {
	RefName *string `json:"refName,omitempty"`

func main() {
	mapkey := "qwert"
	refname := "sdfsadf"

	m := map[string]RepositoryResourceParameters{
		mapkey: RepositoryResourceParameters{RefName: &refname},

	fmt.Println("RefName is:", *m[mapkey].RefName)


RefName is: sdfsadf

I am not entirely sure why you use a pointer for the string in your struct, but this works


package main

import (

type RepositoryResourceParameters struct {
	RefName string `json:"refName,omitempty"`

func main() {
	m := make(map[string]RepositoryResourceParameters)
	m["RefName"] = RepositoryResourceParameters{RefName: "Hello Kitty"}

Setting the value m[“RefName”] = RepositoryResourceParameters{RefName: “Hello Kitty”}

Getting the value m[“RefName”].RefName

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