Unable to check nil for a struct referenced as pointer

import (

type str struct {
	a string

func main() {

	var p *str


func chk(s interface{}) {
	fmt.Println("Check", s) // HERE IT IS PRINTING NIL
	if s == nil { // BUT HERE I AM UNABLE TO CHECK
		fmt.Println("It is null....")
	fmt.Println("Hello, playground")

Take a look at this:

package main

import (

type str struct {
	a string

func main() {
	var p *str

func chk(s interface{}) {
	fmt.Printf("value=%v type=%t\n", s, s)
	// The type of s is not nil, so the following is false.
	if s == nil {
		fmt.Println("It is null....")
	fmt.Println("Hello, playground")

The ouput is

value=<nil> type=%!t(*main.str=<nil>)
Hello, playground

To be nil, both the type and the value must be nil.

See also https://u.lhorn.de/mo3Z.

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Thank you Lutzhorn,

your reply was most useful

and one more thing
How can i check only the value is empty?

Try this:

package main

import (

type str struct {
	a string

func main() {
	var p *str

func chk(s interface{}) {
	fmt.Printf("value=%v type=%t\n", s, s)
	// The type of s is not nil, so the following is false.
	if s == nil {
		fmt.Println("s is nil....")
	// The value of s is nil, the following is true.
	if reflect.ValueOf(s).IsNil() {
		fmt.Println("value of s is nil")
	fmt.Println("Hello, playground")


value=<nil> type=%!t(*main.str=<nil>)
value of s is nil
Hello, playground

See also https://u.lhorn.de/m65w.

1 Like

import (

var string1 string
var int1 int

type strtemp struct {
	newstr string
type str struct {
	a  string
	st *strtemp

func main() {
	var p *str

func chk(s interface{}) {
	fmt.Printf("value=%v type=%t\n", s, s)
	// The type of s is not nil, so the following is false.
	if s == nil {
		fmt.Println("s is nil....")
	// The value of s is nil, the following is true.
	if reflect.ValueOf(s).IsNil() {
		fmt.Println("value of s is nil")
	fmt.Println("Hello, playground")
panic: reflect: call of reflect.Value.IsNil on string Value

goroutine 1 [running]:
reflect.Value.IsNil(0xee6e0, 0x195920, 0x98, 0x195920, 0x98, 0xf0740)
	/usr/local/go/src/reflect/value.go:1018 +0x160
main.chk(0xee6e0, 0x195920)
	/tmp/sandbox753849162/main.go:33 +0xc0
	/tmp/sandbox753849162/main.go:21 +0x60```

This is the error i’m facing… i’m trying all type of values

int and string can not be used like this. But why do you want to pass them as an interface{}? What are you trying to do?

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