Type aliasing via unsafe.Pointer

I want to reinterpret a struct with a single interface as a struct with two pointer-sized ints.

My reading of the rules for unsafe.Pointer suggests that this is a valid usage: (*T2)(unsafe.Pointer(&T1{...})) where T1 and T2 share the same memory layout. However, I can’t help but wonder whether the garbage collector will get confused about what x really points to and consequently garbage-collect the contents of val.

The following code seems to work as intended, but is it safe?

package main

import (

type Interface struct{ val interface{} }
type Uintptrs struct{ a, b uintptr }

func t() *Interface { return &Interface{val: "t=" + time.Now().String()} }

func main() {
	var x *Uintptrs = (*Uintptrs)(unsafe.Pointer(t()))
	y := (*Interface)(unsafe.Pointer(x))


From unsafe package - unsafe - Go Packages documentations.

Package unsafe contains operations that step around the type safety of Go programs.

Packages that import unsafe may be non-portable and are not protected by the Go 1 compatibility guidelines.

I think that you can use unsafe package for some particular cases and not as current practice.

This is valid and the garbage collector will be fine. But I don’t think there’s any guarantee that your two struct types will in fact have an equivalent memory layout and size. (Even if that’s the case at the moment.)

Thanks @calmh. Is there any way to guarantee the same memory layout? What about the following?

type Interface struct{ val interface{} }
type SameLayout struct {
	a uintptr
	_ [unsafe.Sizeof(interface{}(nil)) - unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))]byte

That’s a cool solution. I would probably just yolo it and test on each new Go release, for the very low risk that this ever changes & breaks. Your solution would at least guard against a uintptr magically becoming larger than an interface{}.

Thanks @calmh! I went one step further and added some compile-time assertions. At least, if anything does change, it won’t catch me off guard. :slight_smile:

// Compile-time assert that the two types have the same size and alignment.
const _ = -uint(unsafe.Sizeof(Interface{}) ^ unsafe.Sizeof(SameLayout{}))
const _ = -uint(unsafe.Alignof(Interface{}) ^ unsafe.Alignof(SameLayout{}))
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I also discovered that zero-padding isn’t possible. It seems that [0]byte occupies space in the struct, so I’ve also added:

const padding = unsafe.Sizeof(interface{}(nil)) - unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))
const _ = -uint(padding) // assert(padding == 0)

type SameLayout struct {
	a uintptr
	// _ [padding]byte // only required if padding != 0

Mind you, this might be getting a little overcomplicated. The original Sizeof assertion with a comment is probably sufficient to avoid future pain.

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Ah yes, a [0]byte takes space when it’s the last element in a struct, otherwise a pointer to it would be a pointer outside the struct, potentially a pointer to the next struct if it was in array, and that’d be confusing.

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