Tutorial "Return a random greeting"

I am doing the Tutorial at go.dev/doc/tutorial/random-greeting.
I copied the code from the tutorial for hello.go and greetings.go. It runs, but on my machine (Ubunto 24.04) it always returns the same greeting. no matter how many times I run it, which means the rand function is always returning the same index.

func randomFormat() string {
    // A slice of message formats.
    formats := []string{
        "Hi, %v. Welcome!",
        "Great to see you, %v!",
        "Hail, %v! Well met!",

    // Return a randomly selected message format by specifying
    // a random index for the slice of formats.
    return formats[rand.Intn(len(formats))]

It’s probably a fluke. Also rand.Intn is pseudorandom not random. But running this:

func main() {
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {

func randomFormat() string {
	// A slice of message formats.
	formats := []string{
		"Hi, %v. Welcome!",
		"Great to see you, %v!",
		"Hail, %v! Well met!",
	// Return a randomly selected message format by specifying
	// a random index for the slice of formats.
	return formats[rand.Intn(len(formats))]

… produces this on the playground:

Hail, %v! Well met!
Hi, %v. Welcome!
Hi, %v. Welcome!
Hi, %v. Welcome!
Great to see you, %v!

Run it yourself:

thanks, Dean. It did the same on my machine.