Trying to run a held-karp algorithm


I am new to Go and has been using PHP for a while. I have a work-related problem where I need to find the shortest way between coordinates. So I found a code in PHP that I could use, up to 9 nodes before it took too long to calculate the distances.

Another guy gave me Go code that could solve my problem, but I don’t really know how to use it.
I need the .csv file as a 2d matrix and help to get the argument passed into the code so I can just create the .csv file with PHP and use the algorithm.

I also don’t get the Visual Studio Code, does it compile Go code or is it like PHP? Because when I press F5 (start debugging) it doesn’t bring me any result with this code. Is it because the code doesn’t run properly or do I handle Visual Studio Code wrong?

package main

import (

const MaxInt = int(^uint(0) >> 1)

// IntSet

type IntSet struct {
	Storage uint

func (vs IntSet) Contains(value int) bool {
	return (vs.Storage & (1 << uint(value))) != 0

func (vs IntSet) Count() int {
	return bits.OnesCount(vs.Storage)

func (vs *IntSet) Insert(value int) {
	vs.Storage |= 1 << uint(value)

func (vs *IntSet) Remove(value int) {
	vs.Storage &= ^(1 << uint(value))

func (vs IntSet) Value() int {
	return int(vs.Storage >> 1)

func (vs IntSet) Iter() []int {
	n := vs.Count()
	v := make([]int, n)
	for c, i := 0, 0; c < n; i++ {
		if vs.Contains(i) {
			v[c] = i
	return v

func (vs IntSet) String() string {
	buf := bytes.Buffer{}
	delim := ""
	for c, i := 0, 0; c < vs.Count(); i++ {
		if vs.Contains(i) {
			buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", delim, i))
			delim = ","
	return buf.String()

// Combinations 'k' integers from a serie '1..n'

type Combs []IntSet

func combWithLen(n, k, first int, vs IntSet, acc Combs) Combs {
	if k > vs.Count() {
		for x := first; x <= n; x++ {
			s := vs
			acc = combWithLen(n, k, x+1, s, acc)
	} else {
		acc = append(acc, vs)
	return acc

func Comb(n, k int) Combs {
	return combWithLen(n, k, 1, IntSet{}, Combs{})

// Held Karp

type Path struct {
	Cost int
	From int

func minPath(paths []Path) Path {
	m := paths[0]
	for i := 1; i < len(paths); i++ {
		if m.Cost > paths[i].Cost {
			m = paths[i]
	return m

func pathFromTo(from, to int, c [][]Path, dists CostMatrix, prev IntSet) Path {
	p := Path{}
	p.Cost = c[prev.Value()][from-1].Cost + dists[from][to]
	p.From = from
	return p

func reverse(a []int) []int {
	for i, j := 0, len(a)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
		a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]
	return a

// CostMatrix

type CostMatrix [][]int

func (dists CostMatrix) CalcCostToSubsets(c [][]Path, edges, subsetSz int) {
	maxWorkers := runtime.NumCPU()
	workers := 0
	done := make(chan bool)
	for _, visited := range Comb(edges, subsetSz) {
		if workers == maxWorkers {
		} else {
			workers += 1
		go func(vs IntSet) {
			subset := vs.Iter()
			// Find the lowest cost to get to this subset
			for _, k := range subset {
				prev := vs
				res := []Path{}
				for _, m := range subset {
					if m != k {
						res = append(res, pathFromTo(m, k, c, dists, prev))
				if len(res) > 0 {
					c[vs.Value()][k-1] = minPath(res)
			done <- true
	// Wait for all workers to finish
	for ; workers > 0; workers -= 1 {

func (dists CostMatrix) ShortestPath() (int, []int) {
	n := len(dists)
	c := make([][]Path, 1<<uint(n-1))
	for i := 0; i < len(c); i++ {
		c[i] = make([]Path, n-1)
	// Add paths from start to first steps
	for k := 1; k < n; k++ {
		c[1<<uint(k-1)][k-1] = Path{dists[0][k], 0}
	for s := 2; s < n; s++ {
		dists.CalcCostToSubsets(c, n-1, s)
	visited := IntSet{}
	for k := 1; k < n; k++ {
	// Add path back to start and calculate optimal cost
	res := []Path{}
	for k := 1; k < n; k++ {
		res = append(res, pathFromTo(k, 0, c, dists, visited))
	p := minPath(res)
	cost := p.Cost
	// Backtrack to find path
	steps := make([]int, n+1)
	for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
		steps[i] = p.From
		from := p.From
		p = c[visited.Value()][p.From-1]
	return cost, reverse(steps)

func (c CostMatrix) MaxDigitWidth() (width int) {
	for row := 0; row < len(c); row++ {
		for col := 0; col < len(c[row]); col++ {
			w := 0
			for d := c[row][col]; d > 0; d /= 10 {
				w += 1
			if width < w {
				width = w

func (c CostMatrix) String() string {
	fmtstr := fmt.Sprintf("%%%vv", c.MaxDigitWidth())
	buf := bytes.Buffer{}
	for row := 0; row < len(c); row++ {
		if row == 0 {
		buf.WriteString("    { ")
		for col := 0; col < len(c[row]); col++ {
			buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(fmtstr, c[row][col]))
			if col != len(c[row])-1 {
				buf.WriteString(", ")
		buf.WriteString(" },\n")
		if row == len(c)-1 {
		} else {
	return buf.String()

func Abs(n int) int {
	if n < 0 {
		return -n
	return n

func Max(a, b int) int {
	if a < b {
		return b
	return a

type Location struct {
	shelf int
	level int

func cost(from, to Location) int {
	dx := Abs(from.shelf - to.shelf)
	dy := Abs(from.level-to.level) * 2
	return Max(dx, dy)

func zeroMatrix(dim int) CostMatrix {
	var c CostMatrix = make([][]int, dim)
	for i := range c {
		c[i] = make([]int, dim)
	return c

func genMatrix(nodes, depth, height int) CostMatrix {
	c := zeroMatrix(nodes)
	l := make([]Location, nodes)
	for i := range l {
		l[i] = Location{rand.Intn(depth), rand.Intn(height)}
	for row := 0; row < nodes; row++ {
		for col := row + 1; col < nodes; col++ {
			c[row][col] = cost(l[row], l[col])
			c[col][row] = c[row][col]
	return c

func readMatrix(r io.Reader) CostMatrix {
	cr := csv.NewReader(r)
	rec, err := cr.ReadAll()
	if err != nil {
	M := zeroMatrix(len(rec))
	for row, line := range rec {
		for col, str := range line {
			v, err := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSpace(str), 10, 32)
			if err != nil {
			M[row][col] = int(v)

	return M

func GetCostMatrix() CostMatrix {
	if len(os.Args) == 1 {
		return readMatrix(os.Stdin)
	arg := os.Args[1]
	if strings.HasSuffix(arg, ".csv") {
		file, err := os.Open(arg)
		if err != nil {
		return readMatrix(file)
	dim, err := strconv.ParseInt(arg, 10, 32)
	if err != nil {
	return genMatrix(int(dim), 50, 9)

// Program entrypoint

func main() {
	c := GetCostMatrix()



You need to download Go compiler (


I have installed Go on my computer. I managed to run Hello World.
But when I try to launch the code above it doesn’t give me either any output or errors. Just nothing in Visual Studio Code.


Open a terminal Window, write go run <name_of_go_program>.go
You can add parameter passing in the GetCostMatrix() func after the line
arg := os.Args[1]

if len(arg) == 0 {
		log.Fatalln("Not enought parameters")
func main() {
	c := GetCostMatrix(do you mean pass argument (2d matrix) here?)

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Hi, No. The GetCostMatrix expects argument from the command Line.
It expects the name of a csv file…
If not parameter is passed it will read from the console but first test with a csv file…

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Okay! When I try to run the code in VSC i get those errors:

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I copy this code to Go PlayGround and make args = “10” and it runs fine.
Maybe you have another package main in that folder…

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What do you get when you run via go run?

Let’s confirm the canonical route first before debugging your editor.

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It works when I do as you said.
go run name.go map.csv

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