What i am trying to do is get candidat1, candidat2 and entreprise1 but i am facing a problem where the second map is in fact an array of map in value field.
from your code snippet, sounds your map like this
for example
so if you want fo search for canditat2
you should
var myMap map[string]map[id]map[string]string
try this code
package main
import (
func main() {
// Define the nested map
myMap := map[string]map[int]map[string]string{
"google.fr": {
3766423: {
"canditat1": "",
"canditat2": "aa9dfcea-e4ae-4087-95da-5352f8b7efaa",
"entreprise1": "35252bb8-5434-ef11-8409-7c1e5220b4fd",
// Search for "entreprise1"
searchKey := "entreprise1"
found := false
for domain, idMap := range myMap {
for id, innerMap := range idMap {
if value, exists := innerMap[searchKey]; exists {
fmt.Printf("Found %s: %s in domain: %s with ID: %d\n", searchKey, value, domain, id)
found = true
if !found {
fmt.Printf("%s not found in the map\n", searchKey)