Terminal error when running git main.go

why am i getting this error when i start the project


package migrations

import (



var DB *gorm.DB

var err error

const dbinfo = "host=localhost user=postgres password=*****  dbname=BigDb port=5432 sslmode=disable"

func InitalMigration() {
	DB, err = gorm.Open(postgres.Open(dbinfo), &gorm.Config{})

	if err != nil {

*2022/12/27 13:56:05 C:/Users/baris/OneDrive/Masaüstü/GOREST/migrations/usermigration.go:19
[error] failed to initialize database, got error failed to connect to host=localhost user=postgres database=BigDb: server error (FATAL: database “BigDb” does not exist (SQLSTATE 3D000))
failed to connect to host=localhost user=postgres database=BigDb: server error (FATAL: database “BigDb” does not exist (SQLSTATE 3D000))

2022/12/27 13:56:05 C:/Users/baris/OneDrive/Masaüstü/GOREST/migrations/usermigration.go:24 failed to connect to host=localhost user=postgres database=BigDb: server error (FATAL: database “BigDb” does not exist (SQLSTATE 3D000))
[46.255ms] [rows:-] SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = CURRENT_SCHEMA() AND table_name = ‘users’ AND table_type = ‘BASE TABLE’

2022/12/27 13:56:05 C:/Users/baris/OneDrive/Masaüstü/GOREST/migrations/usermigration.go:24 failed to connect to host=localhost user=postgres database=BigDb: server error (FATAL: database “BigDb” does not exist (SQLSTATE 3D000))
[45.179ms] [rows:0] CREATE TABLE “users” (“id” bigserial,“created_at” timestamptz,“updated_at” timestamptz,“deleted_at” timestamptz,“first_name” text,“last_name” text,“email” text,“password” text,PRIMARY KEY (“id”))*

The reason is in the error you copied here without reading…

Your postgres instance doesn’t have the BigDb database.

how can i solve this error

Create the database.

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