Syntax error when declaring a function?

Hello everyone, I’m new to Golang programming, and I’m working on a project that uses an existing package on Github, but when I tried to build it, it gave me some syntax errors: (the code is too long so I copied the concerned parts)

…/…/ invalid character U+005C ‘’
…/…/ syntax error: unexpected bool, expecting comma or )
…/…/ syntax error: unexpected bool, expecting comma or )
…/…/ syntax error: unexpected if, expecting expression

first error: sch.dumpAgent.Setup()
I removed the \ character
second error:
func (sch *scheduler) getRetransmission(s *session) (hasRetransmission bool, retransmitPacket *ackhandler.Packet, pth *path) {

third error:
func (sch *scheduler) selectPathRoundRobin(s *session, hasRetransmission bool, hasStreamRetransmission bool, fromPth *path) *path {

fourth error:
if sch.quotas == nil {
Go version: go1.16
os: linux
Thank you so much for you help…

It looks like your setup function is missing one or two closing } around line 187.

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Thank you so much for your reply. I really appreciate your help.

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