String spaces not being removed

Hello, I am trying to remove spaces from a string that I am reading in from the command console. However, it does not appear that the strings.Trim() and strings.TrimSpace() functions are working correctly.

For instance giving my following code:

type employee struct {
	name   string
	age    int
	salary int64 //64-bit integer assignment to salary

func main() {
	var employees [5]employee

	inputReader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)

	for i := range employees {
		fmt.Println("Please enter Employee Information", i+1, "'s name")
		fmt.Println("Please do so using a ; value separated sequence")
		fmt.Println("E.g. Patrick Stroud; 48; 140565")
		userString, err := inputReader.ReadString('\n')
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatal(err) //Equivalent to fmt.Println(err)
		userString = strings.Trim(userString, "\n")
		userString = strings.TrimSpace(userString)
		userInfo := strings.Split(userString, ";")

		employees[i].name = userInfo[0]

		employees[i].age, _ = strconv.Atoi(userInfo[1])                //error checking not done here on purpose
		employees[i].salary, _ = strconv.ParseInt(userInfo[2], 10, 64) //error checking not done to not cause error


	fmt.Println("# Employee Name\t Age\t Salary")
	p := message.NewPrinter(language.English)

	for i := range employees {
		fmt.Printf("%s\t", employees[i].name)
		fmt.Printf("%d\t", employees[i].age)
		p.Printf("%d\n", employees[i].salary)

The Following output is returned:

Please enter Employee Information 1 's name
Please do so using a ; value separated sequence
E.g. Patrick Stroud; 48; 140565
>Patrick Stroud; 48; 140565
Please enter Employee Information 2 's name
Please do so using a ; value separated sequence
E.g. Patrick Stroud; 48; 140565
>Ursula Spencer; 27; 36450
Please enter Employee Information 3 's name
Please do so using a ; value separated sequence
E.g. Patrick Stroud; 48; 140565
>Clifton Stillman; 65; 99900
Please enter Employee Information 4 's name
Please do so using a ; value separated sequence
E.g. Patrick Stroud; 48; 140565
>William Reynolds; 37; 77550
Please enter Employee Information 5 's name
Please do so using a ; value separated sequence
E.g. Patrick Stroud; 48; 140565
>Dean Niles; 53; 120000
# Employee Name  Age     Salary
Patrick Stroud  0       0
Ursula Spencer  0       0
Clifton Stillman        0       0
William Reynolds        0       0
Dean Niles      0       0

As one can see the name field still contains a space and it should not due to the line of code found on line 52:

userString = strings.TrimSpace(userString)

Why is this occuring?

Hello. TrimSpace returns a new string with all leading and trailing white space removed. If you want to remove the space in the middle you can use the function

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