SQL NullString problem [SOLVED]

Hey there, why if I use type sql.NullString and when serialize it to json I have the following result?


Instead of:


I’m doing it that way;

err := rows.Scan(&v.IdVeiculoGrupo, &v.Identificacao, &v.SerieSatelital)


What should I do to get the correct null format when serialized to json?

Hey there, why if I use type sql.NullString and when serialize it to json I have the following result?

sql.NullString is a struct. The output you see is the default way structs are encoded/marshaled to JSON (using reflection).

What should I do to get the correct null format when serialized to json?

Two ways come to mind:

  1. Use *string instead of sql.NullString
  2. Embed sql.NullString in a type that implements json.Marshaler, then use that type instead

Go Playground - The Go Programming Language shows how both these methods work.

I tend to use pointers to represent nullable values.


Thanks my friend!

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