Sputnik (v0.1.1) talks to  CloudKit

Hi there,

this is my first public release of something for the Go community and it is the release of Sputnik :tada:

Sputnik makes it easy to access your iOS App’s public CloudKit database from within your Go package and from the command line. It signs requests for you which you can then use to access Apple’s CloudKit Web service API.

I have created Sputnik as I was once again getting into CloudKit on the iOS side and needed a way to automatically fill a database. I needed to add entities (thousands) to an example App (iOS app and tool to import the entities using Sputnik) and apparently didn’t want to do it by hand.

I hope Sputnik can be helpful for anyone working with CloudKit from the server side. Even if you are not into iCloud I would love to hear from you what you think about the package itself. I am normally an iOS developer, so the package could probably benefit from any kind of input from the Go Community :wink:

Thanks & I am looking forward to feedback!

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