I am trying to do some streaming from a cloud storage say S1 to my storage S2 in golang
// Backup function
func Backup(<some arguments>, uploadPathName string, objectReader io.Reader) {
ctx := context.Background()
// Create an upload handle.
// some code
fmt.Printf("\nUploading ....")
_, err = io.Copy(upload, objectReader)
if err != nil {
abortErr := upload.Abort()
log.Fatal("Could not upload data", err, abortErr)
// Commit the upload
// some code
Suppose I have the file of size 15 MB stored in my S1’s instance
When I run my code, then the backup stops midway without showing any errors & it backups the partial file to my storage.
No other cloud storage shows any such error with this code.
For S1, I had to specially use this code which involves complicated SectionReader which can be used with minio.Object but not with io.Reader :
// Backup function
func Backup(<some arguments>, uploadPathName string, objectReader *minio.Object) {
ctx := context.Background()
// Create an upload handle.
// some code
fmt.Printf("\nUploading ....")
var lastIndex int64
var numOfBytesRead int
lastIndex = 0
var buf = make([]byte, 32768)
var err1 error
for err1 != io.EOF {
sectionReader := io.NewSectionReader(objectReader, lastIndex, int64(cap(buf)))
numOfBytesRead, err1 = sectionReader.ReadAt(buf, 0)
if numOfBytesRead > 0 {
reader := bytes.NewBuffer(buf[0:numOfBytesRead])
// Try to upload data n number of times
retry := 0
for retry < MAXRETRY {
_, err = io.Copy(upload, reader)
if err != nil {
} else {
if retry == MAXRETRY {
log.Fatal("Could not upload data: ", err)
lastIndex = lastIndex + int64(numOfBytesRead)
// Commit the upload
// some code
// Close file handle after reading from it.
if err = objectReader.Close(); err != nil {
But, I want the function compatible with io.Reader & also to backup the file completely
So, I would like to know that:
Whether the issue is in that cloud storage S1 or in my code?