Sanjeev Mansotra | Help to Resolve My Github Query

Hello to members of the community, my name is Sanjeev Mansotra core education in tech and I’m from India. Can anyone solve my query?
In a large-scale collaborative project on GitHub with multiple contributors, how can you efficiently manage code reviews and continuous integration (CI) workflows to ensure that feature branches are tested, reviewed, and merged in a way that maintains code quality and avoids integration conflicts? Additionally, what strategies would you recommend for automating the process of handling merge conflicts, ensuring test coverage, and enforcing code style guidelines using GitHub Actions or other CI/CD tools?

You can look at popular repositories and see how they manage things. With Go projects specifically, almost every tool runs gofmt on save so style is less of a problem (usually!).But many projects use linters, etc. Take a look at Caddy:

And here’s a sample pull request with merge conflicts and conversation:

If you want something even more involved, check out how many checks are in a react pull request:

Anyway, my point is: you can just see what the heavy hitters in OSS are doing and copy that.

Thank you for the links.

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