Return query result to another Golang package

I have searched for a solution on the net and in SO, but found nothing that apply to return values. It is a simple sql query with several rows that I want to return. Error handling not included:

func Fetch(query string) (string) {

	type User struct{
		id string
		name string

	rows, err := db.Query(query)

	users := make([]*User, 0)
	for rows.Next() {
	  user := new(User)
	  err := rows.Scan(&, &
	  users = append(users, user)

I get this error when compiling:

cannot use users (type *User) as type string in return argument

What am I doing wrong?

Hi @Sibert,

You are trying to return a slice of structs of type User, but the function defines that you are returning a string (string).

You probably want to define your User type outside of the function and have Fetch return that type. For example:

type User struct {
	id   string
	name string

func Fetch(query string) []*User {}
type User struct{
    id string
    name string

func Fetch(query string,) []*User (string) {...

gives these errors

missing function body
syntax error: unexpected ( after top level declaration

You still have the (string) there.

You want it to just look like this:

func Fetch(query string) []*User {...

On a side note, you should also try to return every error and handle it where Fetch is being called.

Here is commonly how I would write your fetch function. (I probably wouldn’t personally pass the query in if I know what I’m already scanning but that’s something else).

This example won’t actually run because I’m not initializing db, but just for an example.

Yes, it works. Thank you!

But how do I format the result to readable text or json:

%!s(*data.User=&{JD John Doe})

Should be like this (or json)

JD John Doe

Best done before return or after return?

I would personally do it after it’s returned.

Have a look at the std JSON package and let me know if you have any problems with it or if you need an example. :slight_smile:

Edit: I still think you should read through the JSON lib, but here is an example if you get stuck: