Return a struct

I am trying to get several titles and contents from another go file. In order to do this I want first to understand how to fetch the struct. But I do not get it yet.

This works as expected

type Head struct{ Title, Content string }

func main() {
	fmt.Println(Head{"Your title page,", "A classic lorem ipsum content"})

I cannot get this to work when moving this to another function

type Head struct{ Title, Content string }

func main() {

func Title() interface{} {
	Head{"Your title page", "A classic lorem ipsum content"}

It work when returning a simple string

func main() {

func Title() string {
	return ("test")

What am I doing wrong? I have not worked with structs before.

It’s should be clear from compile errors:

  1. ./prog.go:14:6: Head literal evaluated but not used
  2. ./prog.go:15:2: not enough arguments to return
    have ()
    want (interface {})

just return what you’ve created:

return Head{"Your title page", "A classic lorem ipsum content"}

and it would be better return struct type:

func Title() Head {
	return Head{"Your title page", "A classic lorem ipsum content"}

Thank you!

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