Regular Expression in Golang

Hi everybody,

I am working on a function that validates the update of a user’s password.

I need to reinforce the password with this regular expression:


But I do not know how to implement it in my code.

This is my code :

// UpdatePassword  uptdate the password for this user.
  func UpdatePassword(unitID string, loginID string, password string) (err error) {
f := GetFederation(unitID)
ldap := connections[f.Connection]
hash, err := HashPassword(password, "SSHA", nil)
if err != nil {
    msg := fmt.Sprintf("password hash generation failed for %s. Error: %s", loginID, err.Error())
    return errors.New(msg)
originalPasswordHash, err := mdb.GetUserPasswordHash(loginID, f.ID)
if err != nil {
    if err.Error() == mgo.ErrNotFound.Error() && ldap != nil {
        var profile map[string]string
        profile, err = ldap.GetProfile(loginID)
        if err != nil {
            debug.Println("get Profile error ", err)
            return err
        login := profile[config.Connections[f.ID].LoginField]
        loginID, originalPasswordHash, err = ldap.GetPasswordHash(login)
        if err != nil {
            return err
    } else {
        return err
if err = mdb.ChangeUserPassword(loginID, f.ID, hash); err != nil {
    debug.Println("ChangeUserPassword error ", err)
    return err

if ldap != nil {
    err = ldap.ChangePassword(loginID, password)
    if err != nil {
        info.Printf("revert password change in DB for user %s", loginID)
        if err = mdb.ChangeUserPassword(loginID, f.ID, originalPasswordHash); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("cannot revert password for user %s in DB", loginID)
        return fmt.Errorf("cannot change password for user %s in ldap", loginID)

return nil


Do you have an idea?

Thank you so much

Have you try the regex package ?

Yes i’m working on it.

But i’m not sure how can implement this in my function,

Have you got an example which i can implement inside my function ? Thanks

PS: I’m Beginner

Hi. Your regex don`t compile

	matched, err := regexp.MatchString(`foo.*`, "seafood")
	fmt.Println(matched, err)

A simple example. So if you run this before your change password function and check error.

The problem is, that the given regex got mangled by the forum, since OP didn’t use backticks to enclose it.