Refactor xml parse struct

I have a struct that looks like this

// ReportsImport original data source for the report list. only SysrptID, Name, FileName are used.
// This is a mess, but breaking it up seems to affect the unmarshall
type ReportsImport struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ReportsImport"`
	//Text    string   `xml:",chardata"`
	//Xsi     string   `xml:"xsi,attr"`
	//Xsd     string   `xml:"xsd,attr"`
	Reports struct {
		//	Text         string `xml:",chardata"`
		ReportImport []struct {
			Text         string `xml:",chardata"`
			SysrptID     string `xml:"sysrptID"`
			SQLVersion   string `xml:"sqlVersion"`
			FileName     string `xml:"FileName"`
			Name         string `xml:"Name"`
			ReportImport []struct {
				Text         string `xml:",chardata"`
				SysrptID     string `xml:"sysrptID"`
				SQLVersion   string `xml:"sqlVersion"`
				FileName     string `xml:"FileName"`
				Name         string `xml:"Name"`
				ReportImport []struct {
					Text       string `xml:",chardata"`
					SysrptID   string `xml:"sysrptID"`
					SQLVersion string `xml:"sqlVersion"`
					FileName   string `xml:"FileName"`
					Name       string `xml:"Name"`
				} `xml:"ReportImport"`
			} `xml:"ReportImport"`
		} `xml:"ReportImport"`
	} `xml:"Reports"`
	//Path string `xml:"Path"`

to parse an xml file like this

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ReportsImport xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <FileName>MDR\Account Statistics.RPT</FileName>
      <Name>MDR - Account Statistics</Name>
      <FileName>CTE\Call Progress.RPT</FileName>
      <Name>CTE - Call Progress</Name>
      <FileName>IS\Genesis Account Statistics minutes.rpt</FileName>
      <Name>Genesis - Account Statistics Minutes</Name>

and it works, but I want to clean up the struct and break it apart into a list and single items similar to this

type Import struct {
   XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ReportsImport"`
   Reports []ReportImport `xml:"Reports"`
type ReportImport struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ReportImport"`
	Text       string `xml:",chardata"`
	SysrptID   string `xml:"sysrptID"`
	SQLVersion string `xml:"sqlVersion"`
	FileName   string `xml:"FileName"`
	Name       string `xml:"Name"`

But when I do this the collection is nil or of zero length, not sure what I missed.

The xml is kind of weird but its an old project [that it was produced for] and out of my control

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