Random string and int generator for Go programming

Hello i want to share my Go package, ill love to read your
commentaries .



Random string and int generator for Go programming


  1. Get the package
$ go get github.com/saturnavt/random
  1. Import it in your code:
import "github.com/saturnavt/random"

#Quick start

Random String

package main

import (

func main() {
  fmt.Println(random.RandomString(12)) //Change 12 for your own string length, output example 'rlJlGUgEpLnE'

random Integer

package main

import (

func main() {
  fmt.Println(random.RandomNumber(80, 0)) //80 is the maximun number and 0 the minimun number,change for your own max and minimun, output example '25'

Good job, but it would be better keep arguments in natural order i.e. (min, max). And of course proper formatting (go fmt).

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Thanks, ill do that tomorrow, you can also contribute on github if you want, ;p

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