Python wrapper to GO library


I’m trying to use a go library from my python project. For that, I need a ctypes equivalent to the arguments types. For example, for a string variable is quite straightforward and there are multiple examples online.

I simply use (from my python code):

class GoString(Structure):
    _fields_ = [("p", c_char_p), ("n", c_longlong)]

cmd_str = b"issue"
cmd = GoString(cmd_str, len(cmd_str))

BUT, for a variable of type map[string]string. I couldn’t figure it out. Does anyone has already mapped a map[string]string variable to python ctypes struct?


Compiled as a .so and accessed through ctypes I presume?

A map is quite a complicated type - it is defined in runtime/map.go in the go source.

I don’t think I’d attempt to use it directly from python, I’d write a wrapper in go and expose methods like Keys, Values, Get, Set for a given map which you can call from python.

Thanks for the suggested workaround! I’ll go this way then… thanks!

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