profile: How to profile a go program base on wall time instead of cpu time?

As I know, go profile use SIGPROF to sample call stacks N times per second in cpu time.
It will ignore idle time, waiting time since these time doesn’t consume cpu.

To profile a go program with mix load, I want to profile it base on wall time: samples
call stacks N times per second in wall time. And it will show the result in same UI of cpu time.

For example, poor man’s profiler ( sampling program by running gdb per second(or minute).

How to do it with current go prof? or some others tools?

And I am trying to make it work by:

  • Set cpu sample rate to 1Hz
  • Start a time ticker (100Hz) to send SIGPROF to self

Perhaps you are looking for time.Since :thinking:

package main

import (

func main() {
	start := time.Now()
1 Like

It works, but there are so many function in my program…

Start measuring the relevant ones. I’m think that is not important to know the execution time for every function of your program.

You could make a package like this. Now I just put it in package main. Which counts calls and time taken for every function

package main

import (

type called struct {
	count     int
	totalTime time.Duration

var func2called map[string]*called

func init() {
	func2called = make(map[string]*called, 100)

func Measure(funcName string, start time.Time) {
	timeTaken := time.Since(start)
	c, ok := func2called[funcName]
	if ok {
		c.totalTime += timeTaken
	} else {
		func2called[funcName] = &called{count: 1, totalTime: timeTaken}

func WriteCalled(w io.Writer) {
	for k, v := range func2called {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s: called %d times, %s total time, %s average\n",
			k, v.count, v.totalTime, v.totalTime/time.Duration(v.count))

and then you can call it like this. The only function you can’t measure with defer is main

package main

import (

func f() {
	defer Measure("f", time.Now())

	time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

func g() {
	defer Measure("g", time.Now())


func main() {
	start := time.Now()

	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {

	Measure("main", start)

I leave it as an exercise for you to make the function safe to call from multiple go routines, sort the output on some useful variable and also write a program which adds the defer line in every function body in your project :wink:

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