Problem with go get command

Hello, I am new to golang. I installed go using a proxy connection in my university. when i try to use ‘go get’ command it shows an error saying that Failed to connect to proxy server: Timed out. but the problem is I am using my home network. why is it looking for proxy details. can anyone explain this. I appreciate any kind of help.

Here are some links that may help:

What operating system are you running? What are your network settings? Environment variables?

I am working on windows 8 64bit. I have set gopath variable to my work space and other required variables for golang. i am using a network connection with no proxy.I rechecked my LAN settings to see whether i have forgot to disable the proxy server which i used in university and it was disabled. I am following up a tutorial and want to get that repository to my work space.

Error :
fatal: unable to access ‘’: Failed to connect to port 3120: Timed out
package exit status 128

this error shows the proxy setting for my university network connection. I cant figure out why it needs this.

I am working on windows 8 64bit. I have set gopath variable to my work
space and other required variables for golang. i am using a network
connection with no proxy.I rechecked my LAN settings to see whether i have
forgot to disable the proxy server which i used in university and it was
disabled. I am following up a tutorial and want to get that repository to
my work space.

Error :
fatal: unable to access ‘’:
Failed to connect to port 3120: Timed out
package exit status 128

this error shows the proxy setting for my university network connection. I
cant figure out why it needs this

I found the solution for my problem. It was not about Go. I have set git proxy globally. so whenever I try to use go get command it looks for the proxy that i have set for git (if pulling from git repos).

git config --global --unset http.proxy

solved the issue.

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