Problem learning Templating

I am new to Go, but enjoying the learning. The code below produces the body of an html table
{{define “table”}}
[table class=“w3-table w3-striped”]
[tr class=“w3-yellow”]
{{with .}} {{range .}}
[tr onclick=“console.log(‘row clicked’)”]
[td style=“display: none”]{{.ID}}[/td]
{{end}} {{end}}
If I output the resulting html to os.StdOut the body of the table is present, I have taken the generated code, put it in a file and run it in Chrome and it’s fine. However, when I use chrome (localhost:3000), the only part of the page that is missing is the table body is empty. I use Content-Type text/html.

I am puzzled, any help would be appreciated.

Sorry about presentation of html, will have to read instructions again.

So what’s the code actually rendering the template and sending the response?