Problem just getting started on Windows

Having trouble getting off the ground after installation. Following along in the install page:

  • Installed using the Windows installer
  • Set my GOPATH to be C:\Users\Me\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\go
  • Created a src file in the go folder
  • Created a file called hello.go with the example code from the tutorial (so ~/src/hello/hello.go)
  • Run “go build” while in the src\hello folder

I get this error:

can’t load package: package hello: cannot find package “hello” in any of:
C:\Go\src\hello (from $GOROOT)
C:\Users\Me\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\go\src\hello (from $GOPATH)

Am I still missing something?

When I type go env I see my GOROOT as C:\Go and my GOPATH as C:\Users\Me\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\go. I feel like that’s what it should be.

Thanks for your help.

Can you please do dir C:\Users\Me\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\go\src and dir C:\Users\Me\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\go\src\hello and show the output of it here?

 Directory: C:\Users\Me\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\go\src

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
 ----                -------------         ------ ----
da---l        4/14/2018   2:16 PM                hello

 Directory: C:\Users\Me\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\go\src\hello

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a---l        4/14/2018   2:49 PM            182 hello.go

…and contents of hello.go please

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("hello, you")

I would run go run hello.go, and go install

For “go build” I would get this error:

can’t load package: package hello: cannot find package “hello” in any of:
C:\Go\src\hello (from $GOROOT)
C:\Users\Me\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\go\src\hello (from $GOPATH)

For “go run hello.go” I would get this error:

package main: cannot find package “.” in:

I ended up just nuking my install and going with the default location of the go folder at Users\Me\go and things seem to be working now. No idea why it couldn’t find my GOPATH when it was a different place (could be that the OneDrive syncing was a problem).

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