Apologies in advance for not knowing everyone’s names. Corrections welcome.
These notes may or may not accurately express the opinions or intent of the speakers. When in doubt, please ask.
- Go Bridge
- Women Who Go
- Sarah Adams, I think
- Help women who Go feel more comfortable at Go events
- Hold women-only Go events
- 10 chapters around the world, 5 in the US, 5 elsewhere
- If you know a woman that writes Go, get her to contact Sarah
- Help women who Go keep doing Go: be welcoming, etc
- WomenWhoGo.org
- How to get more women / more diversity?
- Recap: state of Go 2016 survey
- No diversity information
- Discussion
- Johnny Boursiquot
- The guy I had lunch with on Monday
- Workshop co-organizer(?)
- Do something uncomfortable
- Go to schools, communities, etc, and build a program
- Go to them
- Cassandra
- Not a programmer! Oh noes!
- Doing proactive outreach is great. Probably long term, though
- Short term: how acceptable is Go as a first language?
- ??
- Go skews towards more experienced programmers
- Hard to be more diverse than the programming community at large
- Discussion of Ruby and “why”(?) or _y (?)
- Whimsy
- ergo, very approachable
- Rails solves a problem lots of people have: build a website
- Go, not so much. “You can write a load balancer …”
- Nothing Go is good at resonates with non-technical people
- Maybe something a little friendlier and whimsical than the Go Tour
- Leverage Go Mobile?
- Rob Griesemer
- Easy access to graphics. Go doesn’t have that.
- Visual feedback!
- Katrina
- Whimsicality examples: turkey bacon(?)
- ??
- From the Python community
- Python diversity chairman stats …
- 40% of all python talks given by women. Huge growth over the past few years.
- Big commitment from the Python foundation to promote women and so on
- Rob Pike
- Go elite?
- Well, yes.
- Best way to get people to use a programming language, is: Get Them Early.
- Get them in school. In college or earlier.
- Some universities are using Go, but not many
- The Go team has no traction or visibility in schools, basically
- Again: Go a good first programming language? Maybe.
- So: Get Go into schools.
- But, the Go core team doesn’t know how to do that.
- Every few years, universities reevaluate what language to teach to undergrads
- In 98 it was Java
- Maybe more recently, it was Python
- Maybe we could get people to choose Go, instead
- Dave Cheney
- Discussion of who he chose to put on stage? Or something? Couldn’t hear exactly.
- Who was in the audience?
- 75% new GopherCon speakers
- But high pressure here. Big meeting, big audience, Go luminaries.
- Representation in the audience. Cost is a factor.
- Bring the conference to people
- ??
- Worked with CodeNow
- Went various places and taught people Ruby
- We need a “Why’s poignant guide” – funny. Whimsical.
- Python and Ruby are easy to get started in.
- Other points.
- Talk to him to reach out to CodeNow
- Peggy Li
- Pulled some stats from Women Who Go Twitter feed
- Basically: stats on our female speakers are not terrible. Good growth.
- ??
- 5 yrs ago working with a robotics team in an underserved community
- Teenagers really love robotics
- Corporate sponsorship? Grants? Funds?
- More robotics?
- Make Go easier?
- Turtle language? (Logo?)
- Katrina
- ??
- Emulator for robots? Physical robots are expensive
- There are, but they’re hard to install and get going. Like, 12 hours of work over 4 days. (Wow)
- ??
- More on robots
- People coding on Linux boards on the robots … (or something?)
- Johnny Boursiquot
- Don’t underestimate the power of exposure
- People have to at least know about Go!
- Sarah Adams
- Would like some Go tutorials to add to her list
- Videos?
- Nathan ??
- Working on a book called Learn Go
- Challenging to attract / appeal to beginners
- Everything works from the Go playground
- Robert Griesemer again
- Would like to promote Go as a first language more
- Story about his wife …
- Assembler was easier for his wife than her Java programmers
- Assembler is pretty dense. Java less so.
- Francesc Campoy
- Go could be a better language for beginners
- Go out to under-served communities and teach Go
- Teach kids, teach women, etc
- Gather diversity from the world, not from the tech community
- Work together
- Go Bridge. Women who Go
- Andrew Gerrand
- Code Of Conduct
- The CoC working group continues to exist
- You can still report things that happen or that happen to you, or problematic things, or whatever
- Not a lot of reports
- Some were spurious and trolls (sigh). Some were real.
- The “death by 1000 cuts” tends to turn people away from the community
- Can you say, micro aggressions?
- There needs to be a venue to discuss these ideas and improve and take action
- Go Bridge?
- Back to Francesc
- Thanks
- Thanks for sharing
- He’ll be sending some emails.
See also https://www.evernote.com/shard/s13/sh/c460794e-6bbe-4a79-bf45-d8c9a53b9119/0c4c81203df38368