Performance of go wasm is very poor

source code:

func testFor() int {
	sum := 0

	for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < 10000; j++ {
			sum += j

	return sum

compile command:
GOOS=wasip1 GOARCH=wasm go build -o test.wasm test.go

Got wasm:

(func $main.testFor (type 0) (param i32) (result i32)
    (local i32 i64 i64 i64 i64)
    global.get 0
    local.set 1
    loop  ;; label = @1
      block  ;; label = @2
        block  ;; label = @3
          block  ;; label = @4
            block  ;; label = @5
              block  ;; label = @6
                block  ;; label = @7
                  block  ;; label = @8
                    block  ;; label = @9
                      local.get 0
                      br_table 0 (;@9;) 1 (;@8;) 2 (;@7;) 3 (;@6;) 4 (;@5;) 5 (;@4;) 6 (;@3;) 7 (;@2;)
                    i64.const 0
                    local.set 2 ;; i = 0
                    i64.const 0
                    local.set 3 ;; sum = 0
                    i32.const 2 
                    local.set 0 
                    br 7 (;@1;)
                  local.get 2
                  i64.const 1
                  i64.add      ;; i++
                  local.set 2
                local.get 2 

Go is compiled into wasm, and the for is expressed using the br_table operation. As a result, the compiler backend cannot perform optimization pass related to the for loop during optimization because the compiler backend cannot identify this as a for loop.

I could be wrong and there might be some go wasm experts lurking here, but, this is probably outside the expertise of this forum. I’m wondering if you might get better results opening an issue in the official go repo or trying the go nuts mailing list?

new issue: cmd/go: performance of go wasm is very poor · Issue #65440 · golang/go · GitHub

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