Passing array by Reference vs Values

I have working code which I’m trying to reduce its memory use.

I have a primes slice that I pass to a go function to do parallel processing, which can be very large (up to 100s of millions of primes). It’s read only after its created, and not changed.

The go functions eats up allot of memory compared to the Rust version of the same program, as it only passes primes by reference vs value (I originally passed copies of the primes array until I figured out how to do it by reference, and memory use dropped significantly).

The Go version memory use behaves like Rust's before making the change so I’ve looked at the docs and tried to pass primes by reference according to this doc:

Here’s a snippet of the original code.

  var wg sync.WaitGroup
  for i, r_hi := range rescousins {
    go func(i, r_hi int) {
      defer wg.Done()
      l, c := cousins_sieve(r_hi, kmin, kmax, kb, start_num, end_num, modpg, primes, resinvrs)
      lastcousins[i] = l; ■■■■[i] = c
      fmt.Printf("\r%d of %d cousinpairs done", (i + 1), pairscnt)
    }(i, r_hi)

And here’s the modded version to pass primes by reference.

  refprimes := &primes
  var wg sync.WaitGroup
  for i, r_hi := range rescousins {
    go func(i, r_hi int) {
      defer wg.Done()
      l, c := cousins_sieve(r_hi, kmin, kmax, kb, start_num, end_num, modpg, *refprimes, resinvrs)
      lastcousins[i] = l; ■■■■[i] = c
      fmt.Printf("\r%d of %d cousinpairs done", (i + 1), pairscnt)
    }(i, r_hi)

In both cases it seems primes data is still being copied into each thread to use.

Can this be written so that isn’t the case, so primes data can be shared and not have to be copied to use?

If I am not mistaken, you are not passing the array by reference.

Here is an example:

package main

import (

func main() {
	var wg sync.WaitGroup

	arr := [5]int{1, 2, 4, 6, 10}

	go func() {
		defer wg.Done()


func toPrimes(ptr *[5]int) {
	for i := 0; i < len(*ptr); i++ {
		ptr[i] += 1

A better approach may be to use a slice of int rather than an array of int.

package main

import (

func main() {
	var wg sync.WaitGroup

	si := []int{1, 2, 4, 6, 10}

	go func() {
		defer wg.Done()


func toPrimes(primes []int) {
	for i := 0; i < len(primes); i++ {
		primes[i] += 1

Hope this helps!

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*&primes is equal to primes variable.

In your code:
refprimes is equal to &primes
*refprimes is equal to *&primes
*refprimes is igual to primes

I’m using 1.17.5.

Those don’t work, and no matter what I do to get the program to compile they all use the same amount of memory.

So it seems no matter what the data in primes is not shared but copied in total to each thread, which is not what I want.

So the ultimate question is, does Go allow sharing of the data in primes in each thread, and if so how?

Can you share the definition of the primes variable?
Or can you share the full script?
I believe you are defining as an array instead of a slice.

Here’s the whole code.

I create primes in func sozpg and use it as input in go func cousins_sieve.

I have 16 GB of system memory, so I can run the following example.

➜  go-projects echo 11844600000000000 11844601500991000 | ./cousinprimes_ssoz
threads = 8
using Prime Generator parameters for P11
segment size = 262144 resgroups; seg array is [1 x 4096] 64-bits
cousinprime candidates = 87720435; resgroups = 649781
each of 135 threads has nextp[2 x 6240199] array
setup time = 261.943245ms 
perform cousinprimes ssoz sieve
135 of 135 cousinpairs done
sieve time = 14.021829717s
total time = 14.283803133s
last segment = 125493 resgroups; segment slices = 3
total cousins = 1446744; last cousin = 11844601500989267/-4% 

I use htop to monitor threads|mem use (on a i7-6700HQ 4C|8T, 2.6-3.5 GHz, Linux laptop).

This input takes about 14.5 GB max mem with Go; the Rust version takes < 4 GB max.
Here’s the Rust code.

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