Need help with git integration

HI there,

I edited because post contained some file information from my machine.

GO 1.12 (git functioning with ssh cert when under GOPATH/src)
fatal: could not read Username for ‘’: terminal prompts disabled

git ls-remote -q REMOVED LINKgin-tonic/gin in /home/kevin/Code/Golang/pkg/mod/cache/vcs/0d10ab509f5acbc17de3992db710e3921350da404d7e3aa296c81405c7e5ea48: exit status 128:

Looks like the problem is with your ssh cert configuration to me. Git is failing to authenticate, but also if you go to the location of that repo it either doesn’t exist or is private so you’ll need to resolve your credential problem.

Thanks Curtis…

You know what the problem was? Typo Tonic instead of Gonic on the Gin router repo DUH!

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Sometimes it’s the little things we overlook :slight_smile:

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