mysql package issuw

“resource”: “/d:/Project/golang/go/src/belajar-golang/hello-world.go”,
“owner”: “go”,
“severity”: 8,
“message”: “cannot find package “” in any of:\n\tc:\go\src\\go-sql-driver\mysql (from $GOROOT)\n\tC:\Users\Diki\go\src\\go-sql-driver\mysql (from $GOPATH)”,
“source”: “go”,
“startLineNumber”: 6,
“startColumn”: 1,
“endLineNumber”: 6,
“endColumn”: 2

Perhaps I’m taking this worse than I should, but I’m a bit offended by the format of this post. Can you add a question? Perhaps some information about what you’re doing and what you’ve tried? We are a community of Go developers ranging from newbies to experts who volunteer our time to ask and answer questions for the benefit of the rest of the community, not a for-pay helpdesk. Please help us help you and provide more context.

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