My new Go training

Hey Todd,
Awesome course, One of the best teachers out there, keep up the good work! :D:D

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New section :gift: :gift: :gift: :gift:

Hi Todd,

Hmmm…I’ll like to get free access. Your youtube tutorials have been really useful tho. Thanks

Depending upon your economic means - please feel free to share:

Discounted access:

Free Access:


Just started watching your training videos and I have to say it is not only functionally appropriate, but I’m getting a hoot listening to your anecdotes - usually, since I’m an old curmudgeon, I can’t stand such meanderings, however I find your embellishments amusing. Thanks for sharing your insights - both the educational as well as the the personal.


Section:18 - Error Handling

What a great video!!! :blush:


Hello Todd,

Gone through more then half your videos on Udemy and it has been great so far =) my goal is to leave QA Testing where I currently work and start doing back end, we are using Go for all our Backend, clever guys over here =)

Awesome. I’m glad you like it. Thank you for reaching out. I appreciate hearing that my work is beneficial to others!

@toddmcleod I’ve seen it.I like it I like you man.
Thank you (@|–)


I’m taking this class now, but I was off to a slow start due to life. Back in the saddle now. Great course! It’s more fun to learn from a real person than a snooty stuffed shirt. Thanks for that too.

Hi Todd, love your channel it is a great source for learning go. I’m student and just started to learn go and how to develop microservices with go. I really want to learn from your course on udemy and you’ve posted this link to course with a coupon but it seems that the coupon has expirated and 35 dollars is still cheap and thank you for that but I cant afford to spend this amount on course right now. You also mentioned the free access Is that possible ? Or if the discount to 9 dollars is still also a option. If not still thank you for the rest of the content you are publishing.

Try the code “formyfriend”

If that doesn’t work, let me know and I will find you one that does!

Where are you a student? What are you learning? What year are you?

I ask because I am looking for people to help with a business I am starting.

I’m from Slovakia studying computer science second year. I started with c and java and then I heard about golang and got really into it. Im specializing on a backend and web technologies. Thanks a lot for the coupon and the course because Im really excited to learn this language. Thank you for your work !

Hi Todd,

Can you help with this code. I dont know how it works

slice := []int{1,2}
        for _, v := range vals{
            if v == r.Form.Get("gender"){
                return true

For handling radio button. I could not find it on any of your tutorials on youtube.

Apologies if this means intruding

You have a slice with two values: 1, 2.

The slice is being constructed with an composite literal:

You are then ranging (looping) over those values;


In the range loop, you are checking the value against another value for

The other value is r.Form.Get(“gender”)

That’s from the Request struct type in the net/http package. One of the
fields is “Form”

You’ll notice that the field “Form” is of type url.Values, eg, from package
net/url the type “Values” which is also a struct.

So you have “Request” which is a struct and it has a field embedded in it
"Form" which is also a struct.

And the “Form” struct has a field “Values”

If you look at the type of “Values” you see it is a map[string][]string

Ok, cool. You can access things with key/value access.

Also, if you look at the methods attached to “Values” you see you have the
method “Get”

So r.Form.Get(“gender”) gets a value from an http request, eg, a client has
made a request to a server (your program) and attached some data to it -
either submitted a Form or clicked a link that had some query string
attached to it.

I hope this helps!


Yeah Todd,

I have a better grasp of the concept. Thank you very much.

One more thing, how do I get the exact value the user selected. The code tells me a data has been sent from a group of radio buttons (by returning either true or false).

How do I check which value was sent?

And just to add, thanks a lot for this help. Your videos have been my major source of learning. I hope to pay for your non-free courses. [I don’t earn yet. I’m a college student].

Thanks a lot.

How do I check which value was sent?

You can print it out to the log


I don’t get to use the output in my program, and what interface goes into the log.Println()


Hey I hate to ask this but would it be possible to get the discounted price? I’d really appreciate it!