Mutex ignored on root level of a struct? [Solved]


I have a struct with receiver methods and a mutex:

type DatabaseService struct {
	client *ts.DatabaseServiceClient
	auth   *ts.Auth
	cache map[string]*CachedDatabaseConfig
func (s DatabaseService) GetDatabase(ownerUUID uuid.UUID, name string) (*Database, error) {
	defer s.Unlock()
	cacheKey := ownerUUID.String() + "." + name
	logEntry := logrus.WithField("owner_uuid", ownerUUID.String()).WithField("name", name)
	if c, ok := s.cache[cacheKey]; ok {
		// ...
     // ...

Strange thing now is that the mutex lock is ignored. Normally all calls except the first one should stop at if c, ok := s.cache[cacheKey]; ok { But it does not

On the other hand here it is working:

type DatabaseConfigCache struct{
    items map[string]*CachedDatabaseConfig

type DatabaseService struct {
    client *ts.DatabaseServiceClient
    auth   *ts.Auth
    cache *DatabaseConfigCache

// ...
func (s DatabaseService) GetDatabase(ownerUUID uuid.UUID, name string) (*Database, error) {
    defer s.cache.Unlock()
    cacheKey := ownerUUID.String() + "." + name
    logEntry := logrus.WithField("owner_uuid", ownerUUID.String()).WithField("name", name)
    if c, ok := s.cache.items[cacheKey]; ok {

Can anyone tell me why the mutex on the first example is ignored.

btw: I tested it with 100 parallel go routines that accessed this function

On a quick glance it seens to be a by-value vs. by-ref issue.

In most cases you want to have *sync.Mutex.

There was a linting tool that warns you in such cases.


Also, consider not embedding. Do you want users of the DatabaseService to call the Lock and Unlock methods? If not, something like this might be what you are looking for:

type DatabaseService struct {
    mut sync.Mutex // zero value is usable, like you do today

func (s *DatabaseService) GetDatabase(...) { // note, pointer receiver
    defer s.mut.Unlock()

In general I try to even abstract the sync.Mutex completely away behind setters and getters and unexported fields.

According to my experience this will save a lot of time searching for deadlocks or races because of forgotten mutex (un)locks. Or delayed execution of some go-routines because a defered unlocks in other goroutines which happen far “to late”.

In some cases it might be necessary to get and set many values from a receiver, which are behind a single lock. In such cases I do often provide some kind of batch environment. But so far it was necessary only once.


Go vet will help here. TLDR, place all your methods on *DatabaseService to avoid copying the mutex and locking the copy.

Hey dfc - You are absolutely right. I overlooked this. Thank you for this hint! :slight_smile:

There is a great rule of thumb in, which goes something like "if you have a method on *T, then all the methods should be on *T", basically, don’t mix an match, pick one and be consistent.

A side effect of this rule is it tends to drive you to place methods on *T, not T because if you have a method that needs to mutate T, you need to put the method on *T so you’re not mutating a copy of the receiver.

You are right - Not using a pointer of the receiver at this place was just a mistake I overlooked.

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