Multithreading in Serial Port

I’m currently trying to read input from the serial port through an Arduino using multithreading. I have two threads reading from the serial port, and they are both reading the same thing (ignore their function names). Here is the code:

    for scanner.Scan() {
        log.Printf("%q\n", scanner.Text())


func readSecondLine(scanner *bufio.Scanner, port *serial.Port){
    for scanner.Scan() {
        log.Printf("%q\n", scanner.Text())


func main() {
    usbRead := &serial.Config{Name: "COM5", Baud: 9600, ReadTimeout: 0}
    port, err := serial.OpenPort(usbRead)

    if err != nil {

    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(port)

    for true{
    go readFirstLine(scanner, port)
    go readSecondLine(scanner, port)


I am expecting the output to look like this:


Yet I am getting garbage output in between the expected output:


I believe this garbage output appears because I am reading serial port input even when the Arduino hasn't outputted anything. Is there any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks.

Hi… I write multithreaded applications to manage ioT devices and others.So there are devices that send data slowly but others could send data using serial port at 1 Mb/s and I have to manage them simultineously.Each connection has got a thread and no one byte was missing.You should review your code.

pcb printing and assembly