Mounting an file as read-only in centos

I am trying to mount an file in my Centos 7 server.
Here is my code:
syscall.Mount(src, dst, "auto", syscall.MS_BIND, "ro")
The issue is file is being mounted but not as read-only, it is mounting as read-write.

cat /etc/mtab | grep "firewall"
/dev/vda1 /root/firewall.txt ext4 rw,relatime,data=ordered,jqfmt=vfsv1,usrjquota=quota.user 0 0

I want to mount the file as read-only.

Anyone knows about it? How can we mount an file as read only in s Linux System ( CentOS ) ?

Hi @monsterlegend99, I’d like to help but I am a bit confused about “mounting a file”. I know I can mount a filesystem, but mounting a single file is new to me. (Although I can see that it works from your cat ouput.)

Does syscall.Mount() return any non-nill error?

From a Go point of view, did you try the package instead of syscall already?

The syscall package is deprecated and locked down, and maybe there is just a bug in syscall.Mount that has been fixed in unix.Mount already (just a wild guess).

Also, this SO thread indicates that “auto” does not work well with syscall.Mount. Maybe try passing “ext4” instead.

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