Microservices in golang

I want to learn about microservices in golang please guide me where to start and if you have resources (links) thenn please share
Thanks in advance

Even though there’s micro in the name this subject is pretty wide. I’ve been studying this lately myself. There are some great talks about micro-services on Youtube from various convention speakers.

I think the most important things to note about micro services in general is that:

  1. each service should be autonomous ( have it’s own means of completing its job without going to the outside world for it )
  2. your services should register with some form of load balancer/service discovery scheme, be it a client side or server side implementation.
  3. your services need to communicate ( many different ways of structuring messaging systems for them exist )

Cloud hosts like Google Cloud and AWS usually provide mechanisms for server side service discovery that can stream line those admin tasks for you.

I have been looking at gRPC specifically, here is the link to the Golang getting started: https://grpc.io/docs/quickstart/go.html


Thank you so much for your time
I am working on a final year project for my university and i am working on matching engine component here i need microservice that will match the incoming orders with existing orders
I am advised to make a microservice of that engine and here i have zero knowledge of this topic so i need concise and quick knowledge about i searched it on internet as you said it is “Pretty wide” subject so i am confused where to start

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