I have some past experience with Meteor.js and I am looking to get my feet wet with Go. I will use Go for building web apps, however I am stuck. I cannot decide if I should use a web framework (Iris, Beego, Revel) or if I should build my web apps from semi-scratch (http, template, path, and other packages).
Is there any good resources out there that focuses mainly on web development with Go? I want to see some example websites that have a login form and static pages that are built using Go, Angular, and a database (SQL, Mongo, etc).
Before you decide to adopt a third party web framework or toolkit, keep in mind that the Go standard library provides all of the tools you need to build a sophisticated, modern web application. Keeping with Go’s preference for simplicity and composability over complexity and magic, we suggest you [see how far the standard library can take you] (Writing Web Applications - The Go Programming Language).
Your mileage may vary, but I find often when I’m looking for the “right” way to do things, what I’m really doing is avoiding getting started. I think what helped when I was learning Go was that there weren’t a bunch of popular frameworks already available, so I didn’t really face this choice. I just started trying things.
Unless you have a need to get things right the first time, I’d suggest just trying stuff. If you’re comfortable with the standard library, use that. The net/http documentation has some good examples for getting a web server up and running.
Personally, I like the standard library. Everything built on top of it is built to address pain points, but until you try something, you don’t really know what your pain points are. But if you try the standard library and get stuck or something, I wouldn’t be afraid to try a framework or toolkit. Really, whatever lets you get stuff built fastest is going to be best, because it’s what’s going to let you get the lay of the land and start making informed choices about what tooling is appropriate for you.