Map of map or struct with map?

Hello, i am pulling data from a db in the form of :
client, month, sales
ACME Corp, 01, 7500
ABC Corp, 01, 2500
I now want to add in Go to an appropriate vehicle. But I am not sure what the best way to go froward would be, is a struct or a map of maps.

I tried so far the struct way but I must be missing something ?

type monthlytotal struct {
    client string
    month map[string]string

var months, clients, sales string

for result.Next() {
    err := result.Scan(&months, &clients, &sales)
    if err != nil {
    c := new(monthlytotal)
    c.client = clients
    c.month = make(map[string]string)
    c.month[months] = sales

Is that the best way, and how to now loop over all clients and access the map in order to print something like this ? :

ACME 01, 7500
ACME 02, 7700
ABC Corp 01 2500

Since each client would have several (month, sale) combinations, I think a good way to go about it would be a map[string][]struct. Where client is the key and a struct with month and sale would be the value. (According to how I understand your question)


 type monthlytotal struct{
   month string
   sale string
 var clientMap = make(map[string][]monthlytotal)
 var month, client, sale string

 for result.Next() {
     err := result.Scan(&month, &client, &sale)
     if err != nil {

     var out = monthlytotal{
           month: month,
           sale: sale,
      clientMap[client] = append(clientMap[client], out)

 for c, outSlice := range clientMap{
       for _,  v := range outSlice{
            // c is your client, and v is each element of the slice

            fmt.Println(c, v.month,

Something like this should work. It’s been a while since I worked on db, but I think this would cut it. Let me know if there are any issues.


That worked straight away, thank you!

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Happy to help :slight_smile:

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